Atawhai Abuse Services
Kind, compassionate, patient-centred service
Atawhai Abuse Services Clinic, located within Three Lakes Clinic, provides forensic medical examinations and medical checks to those who have suffered rape or sexual violence at any time in their lives. We offer caring support, guidance and information to assist you through the healing journey including follow-up support for as long as it is required.
Lead Clinician: Dr Cate Mills
Services provided include:
Support and information
24-hour forensic examination & sample collection
Medical care - including general health testing and medical treatment if required
Psychological care
ACC advice and assistance with the ACC process
Testing and treatment for infections
Referral to supporting agencies if required
Assistance through the legal system if required
Help for victims to regain control of their lives and relationships
Support from youth to adult
We are here to help you work out what you would like to do. You will always be empowered in this process.
For each person this journey is different and we can explain all the different options around care and then support you on this path.
Sometimes talking to someone helps you move forward. Talking therapy can help, or for serious trauma, you may need specialist support.
At Atawhai, we gather evidence for crime victims, similar to police. You can give this proof to the police or let us hold it while you decide your next move. If you choose to proceed, we support you at every stage, from offering evidence in court to help afterwards. We help write police reports and handle your collected evidence.
We understand that dealing with the effects of sexual abuse is very hard.
Rest assured, we're here to support you at every step, because everyone deserves to live without the pain of past abuse.
Best contact method
In an emergency, call 111.
You can call on your mobile phone, even if the phone is out of credit.Daytime (8:30am to 5:00pm)
0800 282 9424 Atawhai Abuse Services/Three Lakes ClinicAfter hours (5:00pm to 8:30am)
07 348 1199 Rotorua Hospital switchboard for Rotorua SAATS serviceIf not an emergency, you can call the Police on 105. They will take the details of your complaint and someone in your local police district will contact you to talk formally
Safe to Talk (Sexual Harm Helpline) 0800 044 334
Email :
Free Service
No referral required
Appointments made by phoning 0800 ATAWHAI (282 9424) and asking for an Atawhai appointment.
Everyone who has been abused is entitled to come and talk with us about the care that they need.
Our goal is to ensure you are given all the information needed to make the best choices about your care and recovery.
This might involve helping to find a counselor, and then following up to make sure the counselor is appropriate and effective.
Providing short-term support for anxiety, grief, and sleep difficulties.
We offer medical examinations to check for injuries or infections.
We discuss legal options and the justice system.
We assess safety and risk.
The collection of forensic information when the circumstances of the event are not clear, just in case they are required. These remain the property of the victim until they choose to release them to the police.
Follow up until the patient no longer requires our help.
Effective communication with all members of the health multidisciplinary team including your GP, Police, and ACC.
We aim to enable people to live lives free of the consequences of sexual violence, empowering people to end all forms of abuse.
Our goal is to provide patient-centred, holistic care in a safe and welcoming environment.

Atawhai Help
For all victims of sexual violence, recent or historic, TLC offer support, information, medical care, psychological care, ACC advice and referral, testing and treatment for infections, 24 hour forensic sample collection, co-ordination of services, advocacy through the legal system.
Help for victims to regain contol of their lives and relationships.
Ask for an Atawhai appointment.
Daytime (8:30am to 5:00pm)
Atawhai Abuse Services/
Three Lakes Clinic

Opening hours
Mon – Fri: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Phone 07 346 1333
Closed on Public Holidays:
Auckland Anniversary
Waitangi Day
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
King's Birthday
Labour Day
Preferred urgent care clinic out of hours: Lakes PrimeCare - Accident and Urgent Medical Care Centre.

0800 ATAWHAI (282 9424)
Atawhai Abuse Services is provided at Three Lakes Clinic.